
Disclaimer for the Online Electoral Reforms Tracker Website

  1. The data, recommendations and proposals depicted herein have been compiled from records maintained and information obtained from relevant and responsible government entities, official publications, public records, newspapers and as provided by research institutes and organizations including election monitoring organizations.

  2. All reasonable steps have been taken to confirm that the said data, recommendations and proposals have been validated and verified by the sources and PAFFREL and/ or its employees and/ or servants and/ or agents and/ or whomsoever shall not be liable for any errors and/ or omissions contained therein. The public is advised to independently verify the accuracy of such data, recommendations and proposals prior to relying upon same.

  3. PAFFREL and/ or its employees and/ or servants and/ or agents and/ or whomsoever shall not be liable for inter alia any data and/ or recommendations and/ or proposals and/ or opinions and/ or any content whatsoever from external sources uploaded and/ or linked to this website by PAFFER or such external sources. PAFFREL has no ownership and/ or is not the author of and shall not be liable and/ or responsible for any data, recommendations and proposals uploaded by authorized third parties.

  4. Users may inquire with regard to the data, recommendations and proposals contained herein. Any disrespect and/ or allegations and/ or attacks will be removed at the discretion of PAFFREL.

  5. PAFFREL and/ or its employees and/ or servants and/ or agents and/ or whomsoever shall not be liable for any technical errors that may occur in the website.

  6. Users are not authorized to modify, alter, publish, transmit, transfer, sell, reproduce, create derivative work from, distribute, display or in any manner commercially or otherwise exploit in any manner whatsoever any of the content in the website without the prior written consent of PAFFREL. However, users may share amongst other members of the public the data, recommendations and proposals contained herein in its exact current format, including all relevant sources including the weblink to this website, purely for the purpose of building awareness.

  7. PAFFREL does not support, endorse, represent, fund nor is affiliated with any political party and/or politically motivated organization and PAFFREL and/ or its employees and/ or servants and/ or agents and/ or whomsoever shall not be responsible and/ or liable for any public electoral outcome of any public office whatsoever in Sri Lanka. The data, recommendations and proposals contained herein is being provided free of charge in the interest of building awareness amongst the public in exercising their Constitutional rights.

  8. The data, recommendations and proposals depicted herein does not reflect the views and/ or opinions of PAFFREL and/ or its employees and/ or servants and/ or agents and/ or whomsoever and PAFFREL and/ or its employees and/ or servants and/ or agents and/ or whomsoever shall not be held liable in any form whatsoever directly and/ or indirectly for any loss and/ or damaged alleged and/ or as decided by a Court of Law or Tribunal as a result of the said data, recommendations and proposals.